Tuesday 18 July 2023

Yvette May's Birthday Bash - July 2023

Dearest May's from Cobham
(David - Yvette - Molly & Jacob - V.I.P  James May & Sarah)
To be Shared with all your guests & Family Members.

"THANK YOU" for inviting us to your Super Birthday Bash we greatly enjoyed in the company of TV Super Star 'James May' from TOP GEAR and now unlimited TV programmes, together with some of your other special friends and family members.

We certainly had a grand time as always enjoying the 
all-round atmosphere & entertainment with the 
'Lively Dancing Girls' & 'Music from Jacob & Co' having fun.

Wishing You A Happy Birthday
and many more to follow.
Love & Kisses - Dad & Mum
= = = = = = = = = =
(Sorry Lynn & Sophie were not present to celebrate as SOPHIE was involved competing in the World Wake Board competition &
 we are all proud she came third being the youngest.
Sophie Represents Great Britain.
A brief video clip attached at the end). 
= = = = = = = = = =
Please click below to view some party photographs and a couple of videos.

P.S. Dear One and All who may view this blog. Very sorry I did not have time to edit the photo collection, thus many duplicates. Feel free to copy any photos you wish to save on your PC, Iphone or Laptop
Best regards, Benny

Above - work of art by Young Dr. Molly

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Party warming up.
Dancing girls in action followed by
Jacob May Quartet warming up for
the Late Night Live session highlighting
Yvette May's Birthday with TV Personality and Celebrity
JAMES MAY in attendance.

Click on the photos or links below to view.

(Sorry Lynn & Sophie were not present to celebrate as SOPHIE was involved competing in the World Wake Board competition & I am proud she came third being the youngest.
Sophie Represents Great Britain.
A brief video clip attached at the end). 
= = = = = = = = = =

Yvette's Celebrations